Data Dashboard

2 min. readlast update: 09.15.2021

The Data Dashboard is where the user can find all of the data stored on all companies. 


This includes: Customer Reference, Company Reference, Country, Profile Renewal, Active Status, Incorporation Date, Registered Address, VAT Number, Directors, CCJs, Credit Rating, Turn Over, Legal Form, Last Accounts Date, Total Directors, Number of Employees, Previous Names, Subsidiary Names, Industry Codes, Industry Descriptions, Total detected, Total Worth Noting, Documents.

Customising the Data Dashboard

The User can select which data fields to view in the Data Dashboard by selecting on the 'Columns' button to the right.


Once the user has selected which columns they would like to see, they can select 'Ok' and then their Data Dashboard will be customised to only their chosen relevant data.

Filtering, Sorting and Searching


The user can filter the data depending on which records they want to see. In order to filter, the user must select the 3 small horizontal lines to the right of the data heading, as shown below.


Once the filter button has been selected, the user can then select which fields they would like to see in their dashboard, and then select 'filter'.


The dashboard will then show all of the records which apply to this filter.



The user can sort the Data Dashboard to show the records in a specific order. 

In order to do this, the user should click on the heading of the data column. This will then sort the column either alphabetically, or numerically.


Not all of the columns are available to sort. You can tell the column can be sorted because when you click on the heading, a vertical arrow appears to the right indicating whether the column has been sorted from top to bottom, or bottom to top.



The user can search for specific companies in the Data Dashboard by using the search bar on the right.


The user can type in any keyword and then press enter, and the relevant record will show in the dashboard.



Excel Export

The data dashboard can be explorted into excel as an .xlsx file. 

The user can select 'Excel Export' as shown below.


The Data Dashboard as it shows will be downloaded.


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